Roughly one month ago or so, i opened my mail folder and i found a peculiar letter sent to me. It was written by John, who informed me to be one of the authors of a very old and very rare fantasy role-playing game called Bifrost.
Well, now i am especially aware of this game, i even wrote something about it many years ago on this blog (you can read the post HERE). John told me that "he believed that Bifrost should be made available to the world and it should be resurrected", but that he only owned volume 1,2 and 4 of the game and that in order to do that he needed volume 3 but that it was missing in his collection, so he asked me if i happened to have a copy.
Now, Bifrost was one of the thoughest rpg for me to collect. I grabbed the volumes from different sources through many years of hard searching and labour. It seemed that volume three was the hardest to obtain but one day i found out a guy on a French forum who claimed to own it, i contacted him and after some time (i had to beseech him, really) he was so kind to send me black and white photocopies of volume three through postal mail. So i had it!
I told John that yes, i had all four volumes and that i was certainly interested in this project, these sort of things are the reasons why i opened this blog,after all!
So we started a correspondence and eventually i scanned the volume he missed and sent it to him.
Bifrost is a game that has eluded american players because as far as i know it was distributed mainly in Britain at the time of its publication.
I remember that other bloggers asked for it (see HERE, for instance).
Now we are putting together all the stuff. The idea is to publish a FREE PDF of the game combining together all the four volumes. The interesting thing is that John has assembled a lot of notes on how to play (from a game master's perspective) and showed me this stuff. In addition, he owns additional and unofficial rules for Bifrost along with essays which were never published and those can be added to the overall game. So there is actually more stuff you can dream of!
John is actually working on it and i will use this platform to keep you updated.
In the meantime i am sharing with you the first portion (the first nine pages) of Bifrost volume 1. I will try to add more as time passes, in order to give you a glimpse of the game and what you might expect from it.
great news! Thank you very much.
Very interesting. Look forward to it.
Bless you! This is great!
Fantastic news! Another gem saved from oblivion.
By the by, I saw this over at John Petersen's "Playing At The World" blog and thought I'd put it on your radar:
Fantastic! Great job -- the author obviously knew you were the right person to as for help.
Will watch for updates. If none of the volumes are adventures, then I might have a future project...
@Doomsayer: thanks i saw that and it is very interesting
@Lee B: None of the four volumes has any adventures in it but i should check more carefully.
This is fantastic news!
Wow! Exciting news! I'm really glad that some of these older RPGs are coming back to life!
Glad to hear the news! I look forward to seeing progress.
So, how goes the great endeavor?
@Doomsayer: i'll soon post an update.
Have you and John lost interest?
Any progress to report on this?
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