
And the winners are...

Ok, it was hard to decide, and i am proud of the response i got from all of you out there for this first ORPGAD.

It was quite interesting and educational to read all the posts that came out for this celebration, and i want to thank you all personally for the light you contributed to shed on these lesser-known items of the past.

That said, i eventually finished reading all your posts (again, i apologize for the delay but i have been very busy recently), and the winners are (in no particular order):

CHEVALIER retrospective


(for the historical importance of the proto-edition of a titan among fantasy games, and for its ultra-rarity as well)



(for the great obscurity of this fantasy game, and because it probably deserves more attention as the author of the post points out)

Man, Myth & Magic


(for the extensive treatment that this blogger gave to this obscure game-that is, three posts!)



(for the importance of this fantasy game, being an alternative to a big name such as AD&D back in the day- see also http://siskoid.blogspot.it/2008/03/rpgs-that-time-forgot-arcanum.html)

To each winner i am going to send a free copy of "Zorin Greystar"

For all those that did not win, thank you anyway!
I hope to see you again next year for the 2nd ORPGAD.


Tony said...

Thank you very much for organizing this event! My Man, Myth & Magic posts stand in good company with these great retrospectives. Arcanum was certainly an influence on my RPG games of the late 80s and early 90s.

Anonymous said...

Thank you CL for both the competition and the prize. It is an excellent way to draw attention to rare and obscure games. You are the Keeper of the Flame and doing an excellent job of keeping it burning. Well done.

Philosophical slumber said...


please let me know the country where you live.

@David: i already know that.

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