
Perils & Phantasmagorias is out! (My first fantasy role-playing game!!!)

My first fantasy role-playing game has finally been published!! I can't believe it.

I didn't anticipate anything to anyone, i know, it's a total new thing that i am announcing now to all of you.

PERILS & PHANTASMAGORIAS, a new OSR fantasy role-playing game is among us. I finished writing it, and editing it. Here is the cover in all its glory.

Now you can get it for just 5 dollars. As you can see i put a Paypal button on the blog home page. Follow the link to purchase it and then write a comment here below or in the Paypal process to let me know the mail to which i am to send it.


Jeremy "frothsof" Smith said...

I just bought it, left a note. Let me know if you didnt get it. I look forward to it.

Marco Filippo said...

Let's see what the perils and the phantasmagorias are!

Bhoritz said...

just bought it and I am really curious about it.

Iliff Werdegast said...

Am I correct in guessing this is pdf?

Unknown said...


Alec Semicognito said...


Andy Action said...


Philosophical slumber said...

@Iliff: yes, it is a PDF version. At the present moment,a softcover version is not available.

Gonster said...

Just paid for a copy


Lou Goncey

Iliff Werdegast said...

I just noticed my pdf in my email!!! I will check it out and give some feedback later tonight. Thanks again for the work on everything.

rog said...

5 USD sent, my email is: roger.sen@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new RPG. Some advice -

* The font for the title is fine but for anything smaller than a main title, the font that is used for the cover page is hard to read, especially for a cover page. A preferable strategy is to use a clearer-reading font for lettering smaller than a main title. The idea is to quickly convey to the reader what the product is and how it is different from other products in the same category.

* "Being an Obscure Collection of Esoteric Rules and Nostalgia" is unclear; Is this a role-playing game? Is this a non-fiction work of your collection of obscure role-playing games and how you came to acquire them? Your thoughts on role-playing game mechanics in general? While the phrase may be obvious to you, it might not be for other people. Here are some alternative phrases to get you started in thinking of an alternative:

** A role-playing game with rules derived from the most obscure RPGs from the Classic Era.

** A role-playing game based upon the best RPGs that you've never played.

** A role-playing game written by a collector of the rarest RPGs from the Classic Era.

* Whenever I consult for clients, one of my initial questions is: What makes you so special? Anyone can start a gym. Anyone can hammer out a fan-fiction story. Anyone can create a YouTube channel about video or computer games. What makes you so special? By extension, what makes this RPG so special? Are there special rules in there that other RPGs don't typically use? Is it especially fast to play? Is the combat system radically different? Is it compatible with a certain set of RPGs? Are there modules coming? Is there an unique content creation system for future additions?

Why should I spend $5 dollars on this RPG? Sell this to me. Sell me this RPG. I see a post that you've created an RPG, I see a cover page and... Nothing else. Nothing noteworthy about the RPG. I know that you're a collector of obscure RPGs. That's it. There's a lot of free RPGs out there - Why is yours worth $5 dollars?

I don't want you to take any of this advice adversely; I want you to succeed. You've worked hard on your product and you deserve to have it out there on the marketplace. However, you also need to understand that you are entering a mature market that is already saturated. You need an angle that other people have not yet taken.

Good luck and I wish you success on your new product.

Anonymous said...

Please could you tell us a little but more about the game - what inspired you to write it, how does it differ to other OSR games ?

Philosophical slumber said...

@Jlatz: in what it differs to other OSR games, you can find some answers here:


As for what inspired me to write it, I explained it all in the preface of the book - basically it is the result of different influences from different games from the eighties that I hold in great esteem. Hope this helps.

Scott Anderson said...

It's beautiful!

Lev said...

Just purchased; fine to send it to my paypal address. Thanks for this and all your good work.

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