
Dinky Dungeons (1985)

A fantasy-genre mini-RPG published in a 3''x5'' ziplock bag(!). It has 2 attributes (Physical and Mental) which are randomly determined, and 3 classes (Fighter, Wizard, Bard). All rolls are on 2d6. Combat is by comparing Physical of attacker and defender on a chart. Other rolls (Muscle or Idea rolls) are all the same chance of success, but higher attribute lets you try more rolls per day.



Luca Lorenzon said...

Thank you very much, thos is the holy grail of comic rpgs!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is a great find! I really appreciate these small, obscure RPGs that you share with us. Thanks!

Alec Semicognito said...

Thanks for these great uploads!

Iliff Werdegast said...

Thanks for the hard work that you do!!

Damon Threet said...

The link is dead!

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