Today i stumbled upon this wonderful article, and i couldn't have explained it better myself, because it contains many points that i agree to, especially the one concerning the almost-useless role of miniatures (i have never used them).
But the article touches other points that are of interest even nowadays, especially considering the direction that a game such as "Dungeons & Dragons" has taken since 3rd edition, namely, the excessive use of combat rules, that - again - shouldn't become more important than role-playing.
thanks for the article!
Thanks for sharing this article about miniatures. As someone who struggles to find the time to prepare miniatures and model dungeons, I need to think about dropping them entirely.
The more you have to physically set the game up beyond some pencils, paper, your ref screen and dice; typically the worse that game is going to be.
I play with miniatures on the very off chance large forces engage other on the battlefield. These are large scale kingdom shaping events that typically happen rarely if at all. Even then, the 'miniatures' are paper chits with names like Orc Footman 1, Hvy Cavalry 3 etc etc
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