As months pass, i keep receiving comments from people interested in knowing more about Melanda rpg.
See for instance the latest comments here and here.
Now i realized that it is sold out even on Noble knight website (here).
There are so many vintage role-playing games i should write about, but at this point i can't disappoint the faithful followers of my blog so i have decided to start highlighting Melanda on these pages.
In what forms i'll do it, i still don't know. Cover to cover? That would be wonderful, albeit maybe too painful for me.
Unfortunately i'm going through a long period where i don't feel like posting much (you may have noticed it, apart from the recent uncovering of Prince Valiant rpg which alone is worth one hundred posts...), but when i see fellow players and enthusiasts eager to know about an out-of-print rpg, asking for always succeed in making me feel as during my golden years of collecting obscure rarities through ebay and the like.
So i promise that i'll start something in May, keep your eyes open.