
Our Game Master, yesterday!

He was very inspired and the game was a blast. We had a very good time together.


Anonymous said...

That looks amazing! Was the game Aquelarre, or was he just using the screen from it?

Balkhmog said...

Hey there, I'm the madman in the photo. I was just using the screen only, the game is based on a personal rework of OD&D classic rules, but I've recently ordered all the Aquelarre manuals, and I can testify they're great. Can't wait for the english version from the recent Kickstarter so I can understand them even better.

Anonymous said...

Awesome - I'm a backer of the Kickstarter and I'm really looking forward to the translation too.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that people are still putting in the effort with tabletop RPGs. It brings back some fond memories of my own times. However, I was never in a game with anything that elaborate (back when I played, the get-up in that photo probably would've freaked every single parent out x10 and would've resulted from anything resembling a tabletop RPG being banned in the state for the rest of existence).

Doctor Futurity said...

Completely awesome. My players would have a heart attack!

Balkhmog said...

Hahah Anonymous, the same would have happened here. I've always used the candles and a screen (the Aquelarre one really does add, used to have a custom made wooden one too), but the mask and chainmail coif was a first time...there was this favored masked NPC I was introducing for the first time and I thought it'd help the atmosphere.

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