As months pass, i keep receiving comments from people interested in knowing more about Melanda rpg.
See for instance the latest comments here and here.
Now i realized that it is sold out even on Noble knight website (here).
There are so many vintage role-playing games i should write about, but at this point i can't disappoint the faithful followers of my blog so i have decided to start highlighting Melanda on these pages.
In what forms i'll do it, i still don't know. Cover to cover? That would be wonderful, albeit maybe too painful for me.
Unfortunately i'm going through a long period where i don't feel like posting much (you may have noticed it, apart from the recent uncovering of Prince Valiant rpg which alone is worth one hundred posts...), but when i see fellow players and enthusiasts eager to know about an out-of-print rpg, asking for always succeed in making me feel as during my golden years of collecting obscure rarities through ebay and the like.
So i promise that i'll start something in May, keep your eyes open.
Anything you need to know about please feel free to ask.
Melanda: I learned from the game authors. I think its time to repost my melanda website. Its moved to my blog: I made a runescience entry to start.
Copies of Melanda are available at
The Days of Knights in Newark, DE 19711
or by emailing one of its authors, John Corradin,
We love to see interest in the game.
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