
Let's listen to Dave Hargrave

Each image is numbered on the top (starting from 1.jpeg until 10.jpeg). Follow the right order of reading, which is not necessarily as displayed on this website.


Andy Action said...

Wow, this is astonishing - thanks so much for posting!
Which issue (issues?) of A&E is this from (#/month/year)?
Thanks again.

Philosophical slumber said...

issue #25 and #26

Alec Semicognito said...

Your hosting site keeps redirecting to cartoon porn and "lucky winner" scam sites.

Philosophical slumber said...

@Alec: that's strange, other people didn't have such problems. Try using Chrome as browser or otherwise use Adblock with Firefox.

mylescorcoran said...

Are these from the recent new scans of A&E or from a scan of your own? I'm interested to see how the quality of the scans works out.

Philosophical slumber said...

These are my scans. I used 300 DPI so i'm sure that even if you buy them from the original source their quality can't be less than mine.

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