From Wikipedia:
Knights and Magick is a fantasy/medieval miniatures system designed for mass or single combat, in individual battles or large political-economic-military campaigns.[1] The game includes rudimentary role-playing rules, magic spells, and guidelines for use with other RPGs
Thanks. Love seeing the history of RPGs.
Thank you! I enjoy reading these old RPGs. I appreciate the share.
Thank you very much, as usual ;)
One of the best skirmish/almost RPG ruleset (with Warlord IMHO). I had scanned my own to have a pdf of it, but the reprint is really wonderful (I have both the soft and hardcover). And it was a real reprint, not one of those where the re-printer tries to make it "better" by including his own home rules.
You're kidding about it being a good reprint, right? It's trash, and Lulu were more than happy to refund me for it. It's not that it's a scan, it's that it's an incompetent scan with pages misaligned, often to the point of having words cut off because they didn't care enough to do a halfway-decent job.
IIRC the guy with the rights will also sell you a PDF edition - it's the same scan, but it's not as bad because it isn't running into printer issues, so nothing's cut off when a page was scanned right up to the edge for some stupid reason.
Yes, it is a scan, but a good one. The print can be pale on some places, but the result is as good (at least) than my original, which was not perfect. I have no page showing cuts, there is always a few millimeters margin, at least, around the text.. Only the spells section is distorted to fit (but perfectly legible), because the original format of that booklet was different.
As far as scans go, they made it better than my own and the print is up to the standards of the original work. If I lay my original and the reprint side by side, I can see no difference in quality. That's what I expect from a reprint. And having it in a sturdy hardback gives it a quality that the original had not. So, as usable reprint of wargame rules, they completely satisfies me.
Maybe are we too accustomed to glamour print of today.
I have some pages with (short) words missing from the margins, and Lulu told me reprinting it wouldn't fix it, as it was a source file issue. Maybe they just screwed it up and someone got lazy on their support team, or maybe it's because I got the paperback?
It is a neat game, though.
http://www.lulu.com/shop/arnold-hendrick/knights-and-magick-hard-cover/hardcover/product-20689461.html is the one you bought, I take it? Ugh, now I'm going to be tempted to buy a copy when the next good coupon hits... And yeah, if I do and it's misprinted, I won't bother complaining and asking for a refund, that one's purely on me.
Yes, that's the one. And indeed, no words cut out (maybe I was lucky?). It is clear that it is a printed scan and the spells pages were enlarged to fit in the book, but the result is as good as the original (and in a hardcover binding, which fares better than the separate original booklets).
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